20th July 2024, ADEGA, PELE, Azevedo, Porto.
Participation €5
REGISTER HERE (until 18th July, subject to allocation)

Based on the scraps and materials left over from the workshop ‘PEÇAS RESGATADAS: PRÁTICAS CONCEPTUAIS E CONSTRUTIVAS’ (RESCUED PIECES: CONCEPTUAL AND CONSTRUCTIVE PRACTICES), MINI WORKSHOPS are developed for exploration, construction and reuse. Aimed at children and young people, these workshops reflect on consumption and materials while creating new functional and artistic objects.
 funcionais e artísticos.

Organised in several stages, the MINI-WORKSHOPS encourage participants to question and explore the materials available:

1. Introduction to the concept of reuse: Discuss the origin, history and possible new uses of materials.
2. Exploration: Participants question and handle the materials available.
3. Construction: To create decorative and functional objects that complement the ‘FÓRUM’ created during the workshop ‘PEÇAS RESGATADAS’.
4. Collaboration: Promoting teamwork and the exchange of ideas.
5. Skills development: Stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving when adapting materials.
6. Final reflection: Joint analysis of processes and results, sharing experiences and learning.

The MINI-WORKSHOPS are a complementary activity to the final event of the 'FÓRUM NADA NOVO' project, on the 20th July in Azevedo, Campanhã, at ADEGA - PELE

20 July 2024

10h30 - 12h00 (morning edition)
14h30 - 16h00 (afternoon edition)

Rosinda Casais
Alice Prata
Cláudia Escaleira
Jonny Pugh
Sofia Saldanha (support)

PELE team:
Fernando Almeida
Carina Moutinho
João Soares
Sara Jorge
Carolina Bravo
Maria João Mota
Inês Lapa

Financial support:
Direção-Geral das Artes, Portugal.

School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho (EAAD) / Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) / Pele, Porto / Women in Architecture (MA) / O Instituto, Porto / Materials Bank of the Municipality of Porto.

Rotor, Belgium / NEB goes South, European Union / Lab2pt, Portugal / Junta de Freguesia de Campanhã, Porto.

Institutional support:
Northern Regional Section of the Order of Architects (OASRN) / Portuguese Association for Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage Protection (APRUPP).

Material donations:
Costa Almeida Ambiente e Costa Almeida Demolições, Portugal / MV - Gestão de Resíduos, Portugal /  Coeng 08 – Construção e Engenharia Lda, Portugal.