
NADA NOVO, founded in 2023, in Portugal, carries out activity with industry, academia and in the public sphere, including investigation on reuse within vernacular, contemporary and future construction. The association seeks to bridge the subject between politicians and policymakers, construction professionals, supply chains and the general public. It adopts a transdisciplinary approach, with open and inclusive participatory activities that include workshops, experimental construction, training, exhibitions and publications.  

NADA NOVO seeks to contribute to the creation of networking and mapping of demolition contractors, suppliers, artisans and technicians connected with construction and component reuse. 
The association is also active in the fields of artistic practice, visual and performance arts to reach broader publics.

Atividade - Mapping / Theoretical workshops / Exhibitions / Conversations / Experimental construction / Publications / Artistic practice


1. NADA NOVO embraces the premise that reuse principles are not ‘new’, and adopts an ‘anti-new’ agenda. / 2. NADA NOVO challenges authorities, schools, industry and designers to respond to the climate crisis by exploring the Anthropocene as an alternative source of materials to the extraction of virgin raw materials. / 3. NADA NOVO promotes the reuse of components and reflects on the opportunities it could create in conceptual and construction practices. / 4. NADA NOVO confronts the construction industry's conventional sourcing, storage and material flow practices with reuse strategies. / 5. NADA NOVO believes that implementing reuse in construction is a cultural challenge that requires creative engagement and new collaborative models with professional and non-professional publics. / 6. NADA NOVO rejects binary concepts of heritage that divide the material environment into ‘high’/’low’ value elements; encourages the broadening of aesthetics of buildings and places. / 7. NADA NOVO seeks methods to overcome disparaging connotations of reuse in self-construction contexts. / 8. NADA NOVO advocates the adoption of circular practices as a means to more affordable and sustainable housing. / 9. NADA NOVO highlights the potential of a radical transformation of the materials economy, via reuse, to tackle social inequalities present in the construction industry.

Who we are

NADA NOVO / NO NEWS was created following the mutual realisation of the founders - Cláudia Escaleira and Jonny Pugh, both with practical and academic experience - of the need for action to promote, reflect on and debate the reuse of building components. 

NADA NOVO – ASSOCIAÇÃO, 2023-2024 (from left to right): 
Alice Prata, Cláudia Escaleira, Jérémy Pernet, Patricia Robalo, Jonny Pugh, Bruno Figueredo, Cidália Silva, Carlos Maia, Clara Vale, Rosinda Casais, (João Martins, Daniela Pugh).


The association has developed based on the participation and interest of multidisciplinary members and benefits from the experiences and support of national and international organisations and groups, including:
Rotor, Belgium / Opalis (INTERREG), Europe / Circular[x]Change, Europe / NEB goes South, Europe / Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) / School of Architecture, Art and Design of the University of Minho (EAAD) / Instituto, Porto / Materials Bank of the Municipality of Porto / Pele, Porto / ACE-Escola de Artes, Porto / Women in Architecture (MA), Portugal / The Northern Regional Section of the Order of Architects, Portugal / Portuguese Association for Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage Protection (APRUPP), Portugal / Costa Almeida Ambiente and Costa Almeida Demolições, Portugal / MV - Gestão de Resíduos, Portugal / Coeng 08 – Construção e Engenharia Lda, Portugal / Panoramah!, Portugal / Circular Economy Portugal.